School Of Tantra introduces You to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It is the way of deep experience, abandoning all concepts, exchange of energy and entering intimate relation not only with yourself. Its expanding You to the deepest and the highest levels of love and ecstasy through working on all dimensions possible to You...
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Before Tantric Workshop.Michal Marek Griks at Rainbow Gathering Lithuania 2015
Vaizdo įrašas prieš tantrinio mokymo užsiėmimą su Michal Marek Griks Rainbow susibūrime Lietuvoje 2015 metų vasarą
Tantrinio mokymo 1 lygio kursas 1 modulis
English translation you may find below.
Šį rudenį planuojamas 1 lygio kursas (t.y. 1 modulis - spalio mėn., 2 modulis - lapkričio mėn. ir 3 modulis - gruodžio mėn.)
1-ojo lygio 1-ojo modulio spalio mėn. seminaro temos:
1. "Tantros skonis. Įvadas į praktiką" (atviras vakaras)
2. Sąmonės plėtimas. Buvimas čia ir dabar.
3. Susijungimas
4. Mylėk save - savo vidinio mylimojo pripažinimas.
5. Sakralioji energija - pagarba savo šventąjam kūnui, savo audringos sielos pripažinimas.
Lektorius ir seminaro vadovas - Michal Marek Griks - kundalini jogos mokytojas, tantros masažo specialistas ir mokytojas, savitarpio santykių ir gyvenimo būdo instruktorius.
"Mano tantrinė kelionė prasidėjo daugiau nei prieš aštuonis metus ir aš tęsiu studijas Rasayana Tantra Akademijoje. Tantra tapo mano gyvenimo keliu, o prieš tris metus pradėjau dalintis savo žiniomis ir kaip tantros mokytojas. Yra kelios tantros kryptys, bet aš sau atradau, kad efektyviausias kelias man augti yra per seksualumą. Tai man padeda tobulinti: savivertę, mano fizinę ir psichinę sveikatą, intymius santykius, meilę (taip pat sau), mano energetinį ir visus kitus gyvenimo aspektus.
Man seksualumas yra pati gražiausia, intymiausia ir galingiausia meilės išraiška. Kai pripažinau kaip tai yra svarbu mano gyvenime, man iškilo klausimas: "Jei meilė yra svarbiausias poreikis daugumai žmonių, kodėl žmonių švietime nėra vietos meilės ir seksualumo energijai?". Taigi, įsteigdamas Tantros mokyklą (Tantra Movement School), tikiuosi prisidėti užpildant šią didžiulią prarają. Savo gyvenime esu išgyvenęs seksualumą kaip kelią į pragarą, bet man labai pasisekė, kad taip pat esu patyręs tai kaip kelią į rojų. Dabar stengiuosi kelti seksualumą iš kaltės ir gėdos į jo teisėtą vietą - sakralumą ir pagarbą.
Aš esu tantristas, kurio likimas yra dalintis tantra ir meile".
Daugiau informacijos:
Pristatymai vyks:
Kaune - spalio 14 d., 18 val.
Miško g. 30, centras „Esatis",
Vilniuje - spalio 15 d., 18 val.
Trakų g. 9/1, Pranciškonų rūmai, 117 aud.
Vakarinių susitikimų tema - "Tantros skonis. Įvadas į praktiką"
Pristatymų trukmė - 3, 5 val.,
dalyvavimas be mokesčio, bus aukų dėžutė.
Galimi asmeniniai susitarimai:
1. pokalbiai bet kuria tema - seksualinės, psichologinės, gyvenimo, meilės temos tantrinėje perspektyvoje (20 eurų/val.);
2. privačios sesijos - labiau praktiniai mokymai, vedimas poroms (30 eurų/val.);
3. masažai - 1,5 val. trukmės - 36 eurai,
2 val. - 43 eurai,
2, 5 val. - 53 eurai,
3 val. - 63 eurai,
4 val. - 79 eurai,
5 val. - 92 eurai,
6 val. - 104 eurai.
Seminaro laikas:
Spalio 17 d. 10.00 val. – Spalio 18 d. 21.00 val.
Yra galimybė pradėti šį gražų savaitgalį penktadienio vakarą, spalio 16 d., pirtimi su pirtininko ritualu (15 eurų).
Seminaras vyks nuostabioje kaimo turizmo sodyboje „Vabalynė", 30 km. už Vilniaus, Vilkiškių dvaro teritorijoje
Adresas: Žalioji 14, Vilkiškių k., Turgelių sen., Šalčininkų r.
Kaip rasti:
važiuojant iš Vilniaus - Lydos plentu iki Jašiūnų, pervažiavus Merkio upę posūkis į kairę, nuoroda "Turgeliai", važiuoti 7 km iki Vilkiškės 2, tuomet posūkis į kairę, privažiavus ženklą "Vilkiškės", sukti į kairę ir važiuoti apie 800 m iki vartų.
Seminaro įkainiai:
100 eurų asmeniui,
180 eurų porai (po 90 eurų asmeniui)
sumokant iki spalio 11 d. 24 val.
130 eurų asmeniui,
220 eurų porai (po 110 eurų asmeniui)
sumokant nuo spalio 12 d.
bei seminaro dieną.
Pasikvieti draugą, nuolaida - 10 eurų.
Telefonai pasiteiravimui:
+37061391380 - Rasa
+37064605851 - Ramunė
Maitinimas tris kartus per dieną veganišku bei žaliavalgišku (termiškai neapdorotu) maistu:
pusryčiai - 9 val.,
pietūs - 14 val.,
vakarienė - apie 19 val.
Kasryt 8.30 "Čakrų kvėpavimas" (chakra breathing) užsiėmimai su Roxana
Apgyvendimas jaukiuose nameliuose bei kambariuose didžiąjame name.
Atsivežti savo patalų apvalkalus, kilimėlius ir apklotus užsiėmimams bei šlepetes arba jaukias šiltas kojines.
Sąskaita apmokėjimui:
Swedbank AB
Sąskaitos Nr. LT37 7300 0100 3834 3781
Gavėjas: Ramunė Rakauskienė
Paskirtis: seminaras "Tantrinio mokymo 1 lygio kursas, 1 modulis"
Galima pirtis su pirtininko pravedamu ritualu penktadienio vakarą pagal pageidavimą ir su papildomu mokesčiu.
Ramunė Rakauskienė
Rasa Ramanauskaitė
Tantra Movement 1 level course
Module 1
A more detailed description of workshops of the first module:
1. Taste of Tantra. Introduction to the practise ( open evening )
2. Expanding the consciousness. Being here and now
3. Connection
4. Love yourself - recognising your inner lover
5. Sacred energy - worshipping your holy body, recognising your wild soul
Presentation "Taste of Tantra. Introduction to the practice":
in Kaunas - 14th October, 6:00 p.m.
Miško str. 30, centre „Esatis",
in Vilnius - 15th October, 6:00 p.m.
Trakų str. 9/1, pallace of Pranciškonai,117 auditorium
Length of the presentation - 3, 5 h,
open evening with a donation box
Possible private meetings:
1. coaching - talking on any topic: sexual, psychological, life, love from the tantric perspective (20 eur/h);
2. private sessions - more practical consultations, guidance for couples (30 eur/h);
3. massages - 1,5 h length - 36 eur,
2 h - 43 eur,
2, 5 h - 53 eur,
3 h - 63 eur,
4 h - 79 eur,
5 h - 92 eur,
6 h - 104 eur.
Time of the seminar:
17th October 10.00 a.m. – 18th October 9.00 p.m.
There's a possibility to start this beautiful weekend on Friday evening, 16th October, in sauna with guided ritual (extra 15 eur).
The seminar will take place in a bright homestead called „Vabalynė", 30 km out of Vilnius, in the territory of Vilkiškių mansion.
Address: Žalioji 14, Vilkiškių k., Turgelių sen., Šalčininkų r.
How to find:
from Vilnius take the road A15 or E85, direction - Lyda and go to Jašiūnai. Right after crossing the river Merkys, take the left turning, direction Turgeliai and go 7 km till Vilkiškės 2, then turn left. When you come to the sign "Vilkiškės", turn left again and go about 800 m to the gate of the homestead.
Seminar fee:
100 eur/person,
180 eur/couple (90 eur/person)
if you make the transfer till 11th October 12.00 p.m.
130 eur/person,
220 eur/couple (110 eur/person)
if you pay later on, from 12th October
and on the day of the seminar.
Vegan and raw food three times a day:
breakfast - 9 a.m.,
lunch - 2 p.m. ,
dinner - round 7 p.m.
8.30 in the morning chakra breathing with Roxana.
Accomodation in cosy rooms.
Bring with you: white sheets, a mat and something to cover with during the workshops, also slippers or warm socks.
Bank account:
Swedbank AB
Account No. LT37 7300 0100 3834 3781
Receiver: Ramunė Rakauskienė
Purpose: seminar "Tantra Movement 1 Level Course, Module 1"

"Taste of Tantra" - Introduction to practise
In this introductory workshop we give small examples of simple safe exercises which you can continue practising later with your partner or on your own. Anyone following the instructions from this introduction may rapidly and dramatically improve her/his life. We let you have a taste of what tantra is, and what we teach as a whole course at the School of Tantra Movement.
A little bit of everything:
- Theory; what tantra means to us and our practical use of it
- sexual meditation
- recognising and training the PC muscle
- open communication
- recognising your Inner Man and Inner Woman
- Awakening the senses meditation
- Breathing together in Shiva Shakti position
2. Expanding Consciousness.
We invite you to create space for expanding consciousness.
You will discover:
What consciousness is, and how to get ready to open yourself for full consciousness.
How to dissolve blockages in a conscious way and open yourself to a flow of love energy.
How in daily life we can develop and cultivate our inner consciousness.
Expanding consciousness is one of the main purposes of tantra. In this workshop we are going to awake, discover, explore and expand consciousness of here and now, consciousness of female and male energy, consciousness of the witness, consciousness of energy... This workshop may open your eyes, heart and mind in a way that you will never be the same again.
3. Connection.
Nowadays, in modern times thankful technology we could contact each other even when we are thousands kilometres away. In the cities we are living so close to each other. Communication was never so fast. But still we are alienated like never before in human history. We never felt so lonely like now. Did we lost something on the way ?
This workshop is to connect beyond capacity of mobile phones, to build Friendship with big "F", deeper than making hundreds friends on facebook, to feel Love with big "L" deeper than sending ♥ through internet
to connect with real nature beyond the discovery channel.
To found what we lost, to find our deep nature, to connect with ourselves and other participants maybe deeper that you ever did even with your friends, with your family.
Tantra gives us tools to connect with all parts of you, connect with yourself, then connect with your partner, group, family, other people, animals, nature and whole universe. Beautiful slogan "We are one!" tantra is transforming from believe in to real experience. If you allow yourself to feel it, you would never be the same. You would never love in the same way.
That's why we choose this workshop in the beginning.
4. Love Yourself!
Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love, when we love ourselves we can truly love others. When we feel good about our self we will have the self-esteem needed to act in love towards another being. To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying the love shared
with our partners, family, animals, nature, the planet and the universe.
It has nothing to do with selfishness but rather with expanding love in a healthy way...
5. Sacred energy. - worshipping your holy body, recognising your wild soul
Together we create at the workshops a safe space in which we can experience transformational processes. Remember, however, that real change happens outside the comfort zone. We work in a group, in pairs and individually. This day we will focus on the flow of energy through the body, how we experience it and how to inspire and cultivate that.
What is blocking us and how can we be consciously permeable to those blocking energies?
The tantric path opens us to experience our own, our partner's and group's deep energy levels. With thankful Tantric and sexual Tao techniques, we become aware of subtle energies which link the apparent opposites: spirit and matter, sexuality and spirituality, light and darkness, consciousness and unconscious, masculinity and femininity.
By using the keys to the door of connections, to regain our inner strength, we are giving right direction to the flow of energy.
Workshops of module 2 and module 3 (1 level):
5. Male and female energy
6. Sharing, Questions & answers time
7. Dance with tantra
8. Theory about practise. Tips for improving your relationship with yourself, with your partner, with others, with animals, the whole of nature and the entire universe.
9. Communication of Love.
10. Sacred Sexuality
11. Preparing for awakening the Kundalini energy
12. Journey to Awaken the Senses ceremony
Lecturer and head of the seminar - Michal Marek Griks -
Kundalini Yoga teacher, tantric masseur and teacher, and a relationship and life coach.
"I began my Tantric journey over eight years ago and continue to study at the Rasayana Tantra Academy. Tantra has become a way of life for me and three years ago I began sharing my knowledge and journey as a teacher of Tantra. While Tantra has several paths, I recognized that sexuality is the most effective way for me to improve:
my self esteem,
my physical
and mental health,
my intimate relationship,
my love ( also to myself ),
my energy and all other aspects of life...
For me, sexuality is the most beautiful, intimate, and powerful expression of love. When I recognized how important this is in my life, I asked "If love is the most important need in the majority of humanity, why is there no place for the energy of love and sexuality in peoples education?" So, I hope that in establishing Tantra Movement School I can help fill this great need. In my life I experienced sex as way to hell but have been very fortunate to also experience it as way to heaven. Now I´m bringing sexuality out of guilt and shame to it´s rightful place sacredness and honor.
I´m a tantric, who's destiny is to share tantra and love".
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